Monday, September 28, 2009 @ 4:06 PM
A new member who achieved 1.1m Fiesta joined Sauvignon yesterday, -Tissue. Cute 11 year old boy. -RUI, who achieved 900k, Shine S.O.S-Kor Ver-Hard, joined couple of days ago too. Not to forget, --EMPTIED! Friend of Refined's and -iBUZHIDAO's, 1.2m Be My Lover. And grats J-aylunn on 1.6m, Fiesta.
Lastly, bon voyage -Katsumi- on your Vietnam trip! Lets not have a boring wordy post. Here are some screenshots. I'll try to update often.

Our new member. -Tissue!


-Nerdy, -iBUZHIDAO and Refined tagging for fam.

-Nerdy, -Livia, --x3PEARLIE (-Livia's friend), -iBUZHIDAO and Refined

Sauvignon club!

Tagging for fam with my sister.

Tagging; J-aylunn, Refined, -iBUZHIDAO, --EMPTIED

Tagging; J-aylunn, -MELODY, Refined, -iBUZHIDAO, --EMPTIED

Tagging; Refined, -Tissue, ---Kookiessx3
I'll try to take more screenshots with the rest of Sauvignon members. Also, I'll try update members links. :) All the best for everyone's EOY exams! Best of luck. Lastly, thanks to all who helped tag fp. May Sauvignon prosper!