Saturday, March 27, 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Check this out. Many may be wondering for god-know-why reason i put those nonsensical description in our fam id card. Dont worry, i will clear your doubts in this post.
We were called a "Failure fam" by almighty Prestige leader - Smallbaby. It has come to my attention that such labelling is absurd and shouldn't, by all means, to be used on any fam.
Praise the Lord, my fam was labelled and it isn't anything to be proud about (maybe we should be proud cause we are labelled by almighty Smallbaby). Sometimes apology isn't everything, it's the attitude that really matters.
Lets have a simple analogy. You killed someone and you apologise to the family members of the victim. Does it help? I doubt so. Applying the same concept into such situation, you will get the point I'm trying to put across. If you don't, consult an English teacher.
Count it a bless? Up to you. But sorry to say, I bear grudges. These phrase will be taken into consideration deeply and a kind advice over here. The higher you climb, the higher you fall.